medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado

Mejor medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado.

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Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado: Cómo las grandes farmacéuticas han corrompido el sistema de salud (Sin fronteras)

13 new from 26,50€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter C. Goztsche
Binding Tapa blanda
Creator Pau Gros Calsina
EAN 9788415070450
EAN List EAN List Element: 9788415070450
Edition 1
ISBN 8415070454
Item Dimensions Height: 909; Length: 614; Width: 126
Label Los libros del lince s.l.
Manufacturer Los libros del lince s.l.
Number Of Items 1
Number Of Pages 512
Package Dimensions Height: 126; Length: 937; Weight: 181; Width: 630
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2014-08-20
Publisher Los libros del lince s.l.
Release Date 2014-09-01
Studio Los libros del lince s.l.
Title Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado: Cómo las grandes farmacéuticas han corrompido el sistema de salud (Sin fronteras)

Una denuncia de la industria farmacéutica: la sobremedicación, y las prácticas corruptas de un sector que olvidó la ética para pensar sobre todo en los beneficios. Recomendado por Joan Ramon Laporte y Teresa Forcades

Historial de precios para mejor medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado

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Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado: Cómo las grandes farmacéuticas han corrompido el sistema de salud (Sin fronteras), Los libros del lince s.l.

Precio: 26,50€
as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am

Price History

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Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado: Cómo las grandes farmacéuticas han corrompido el sistema de salud (Sin fronteras)

13 new from 26,50€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter C. Goztsche
Binding Tapa blanda
Creator Pau Gros Calsina
EAN 9788415070450
EAN List EAN List Element: 9788415070450
Edition 1
ISBN 8415070454
Item Dimensions Height: 909; Length: 614; Width: 126
Label Los libros del lince s.l.
Manufacturer Los libros del lince s.l.
Number Of Items 1
Number Of Pages 512
Package Dimensions Height: 126; Length: 937; Weight: 181; Width: 630
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2014-08-20
Publisher Los libros del lince s.l.
Release Date 2014-09-01
Studio Los libros del lince s.l.
Title Medicamentos que matan y crimen organizado: Cómo las grandes farmacéuticas han corrompido el sistema de salud (Sin fronteras)

Una denuncia de la industria farmacéutica: la sobremedicación, y las prácticas corruptas de un sector que olvidó la ética para pensar sobre todo en los beneficios. Recomendado por Joan Ramon Laporte y Teresa Forcades

Descubrimientos Médicos No Autorizados (SALUD Y VIDA NATURAL)

10 new from 16,15€
1 used from 94,00€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Marco Pizzuti
Binding Tapa blanda
Brand Obelisco
EAN 9788491110286
EAN List EAN List Element: 9788491110286
Edition 1
ISBN 8491110283
Number Of Items 1
Number Of Pages 496
Package Dimensions Height: 134; Length: 913; Weight: 154; Width: 614
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2015-10-26
Release Date 2015-10-26
Title Descubrimientos Médicos No Autorizados (SALUD Y VIDA NATURAL)

En esta obra, Marco Pizzuti pone al descubierto los mecanismos que convierten la propaganda farmacéutica en «ciencia médica» y tachan ciertos descubrimientos extraordinarios e incómodos de «bulos calamitosos».

Criminalidad Organizada: Estudios Internacionales

5,94  disponible
3 new from 5,94€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Juan José Martínez Bolaños; Israel Estrada Camacho; Manuel Alejandro Vazquez Flores; Jose Manuel Servera Rodríguez; Joseph Emerson Ccaza Zapana; Juan Antonio Carreras Espallardo; Patricia Andrea Taus; José Ariel Retana Canta; Karla Villarreal Sotelo; Roberto Mussoto; Wael Hikal
Binding Tapa blanda
EAN 9781494844257
EAN List EAN List Element: 9781494844257
Edition 1
ISBN 1494844257
Item Dimensions Height: 850; Length: 550; Weight: 41; Width: 35
Label Createspace Independent Pub
Manufacturer Createspace Independent Pub
MPN black & white illustrations
Number Of Items 1
Number Of Pages 152
Package Dimensions Height: 35; Length: 850; Weight: 56; Width: 550
Part Number black & white illustrations
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2014-01-21
Publisher Createspace Independent Pub
Studio Createspace Independent Pub
Title Criminalidad Organizada: Estudios Internacionales

Remèdes mortels et crime organisé : Comment l'industrie pharmaceutique a corrompu les services de santé

35,00  disponible
4 new from 35,00€
1 used from 88,00€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter Gotzsche
Binding Tapa blanda
Creator Fernand Turcotte; Pierre Biron
EAN 9782763722238
EAN List EAN List Element: 9782763722238
ISBN 2763722237
Item Dimensions Height: 591; Length: 906; Width: 87
Label Presses Université Laval
Manufacturer Presses Université Laval
Number Of Pages 430
Package Dimensions Height: 102; Length: 906; Weight: 128; Width: 598
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2015-05-01
Publisher Presses Université Laval
Studio Presses Université Laval
Title Remèdes mortels et crime organisé : Comment l'industrie pharmaceutique a corrompu les services de santé

Psicofármacos que matan: Y denegación organizada (Sin fronteras)

4 new from 23,27€
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as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter Gotzsche
Binding Tapa blanda
Creator Pau Gros Calsina
EAN 9788415070641
EAN List EAN List Element: 9788415070641
Edition 1
ISBN 8415070640
Label Los libros del lince
Manufacturer Los libros del lince
Number Of Items 1
Number Of Pages 512
Package Dimensions Height: 98; Length: 906; Weight: 320; Width: 630
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name ABIS_BOOK
Publication Date 2016-05-16
Publisher Los libros del lince
Release Date 2016-05-23
Studio Los libros del lince
Title Psicofármacos que matan: Y denegación organizada (Sin fronteras)

Tras el éxito de "Medicamentos que matan", Peter Gotzsche analiza de forma muy crítica los abusos combinados de la psiquiatría y la industria farmacéutica en la medicalización de la vida cotidiana. Un alegato brutal contra unos medicamentos que se emplean sin ton ni son, y pueden llegar a provocar la muerte.

Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial (English Edition)

23,25  out of stock
as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter C. Gotzsche
Binding Versión Kindle
EISBN 9788771596243
Format eBook Kindle
Label ArtPeople
Languages Name: Inglés; Type: Publicado
Manufacturer ArtPeople
Number Of Pages 366
Product Group Libro digital
Product Type Name ABIS_EBOOKS
Publication Date 2015-09-01
Publisher ArtPeople
Release Date 2015-09-01
Studio ArtPeople
Title Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial (English Edition)

Descripción del producto

DEADLY PSYCHIATRY AND ORGANISED DENIAL explains in evidence-based detail why the way we currently use psychiatric drugs does far more harm than good. Professor, Doctor of Medical Science, Peter C. Gøtzsche documents that psychiatric drugs kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and above in the United States and Europe. This makes psychiatric drugs the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. Gøtzsche explains that we could reduce our current usage of psychotropic drugs by 98% and at the same time improve patients' mental and physical health and survival. It can be difficult, however, to come off the drugs, as many people become dependent on them. As the withdrawal symptoms can be severe, long-lasting and even dangerous, slow tapering is usually necessary. In his book, Gøtzsche debunks the many myths that leading psychiatrists - very often on drug industry payroll - have created and nurtured over decades in order to conceal the fact that biological psychiatry has generally been a failure. Biological psychiatry sees drugs as the "solution" for virtually all problems, in marked contrast to the patients' views. Most patients don't respond to the drugs they receive but, unfortunately, the psychiatrists' frustrations over the lack of progress often lead to more diagnoses, more drugs and higher doses, harming the patients further.

[(Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare)] [Author: Peter C. Gotzsche] published on (August, 2013)

82,04  disponible
2 new from 82,04€
3 used from 76,98€
as of abril 12, 2019 8:54 am


Author Peter C. Gotzsche
Binding Tapa blanda
Label Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Manufacturer Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Product Group Libro
Product Type Name BOOKS_1973_AND_LATER
Publication Date 2013-08-31
Publisher Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Studio Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
Title [(Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare)] [Author: Peter C. Gotzsche] published on (August, 2013)

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